The Kudumbashree Story


New Initiatives

Two New Initiatives

Two novel initiatives that have come up in the recent past are a special project for the tribal communities of Attappady and another project for creating labour banks in Palakkad, Thrissur, and Malappuram districts. The first project is supported by the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLP). It has been conceived in the context of the high incidence of malnutrition and child deaths in Attappady. The project has comprehensive development of tribal communities and particularly vulnerable tribal groups in Attappady as its goal. 

The second project is under Mahila Kissan Sasaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP). The labour bank project under MKSP called 'Bio Army' has been modelled after an innovative project implemented in Wadakkanchery Block Panchayat in Thrissur District. The Wadakkanchery project had addressed some of the critical problems faced by the State's paddy sector and tried addressing them through appropriate mechanisation, creation of labour bank, and utilising institutional finance for ensuring working capital.