The Kudumbashree Story

Women Empowerment

Livestock Farming

Livestock farming is about homestead based animal and bird rearing; Kudumbashree Mission supports its member families through financial assistance as well as technical guidance and managerial support in livestock farming. The sub-sector assumes high importance in Kerala’s specific context characterised by stagnant agriculture and extensive fallowing of land on the one side and heavy dependence on neighbouring States for animal proteins.

Some of the important current projects in livestock farming in terms of spread and scale are Nature Fresh, Goat Village, and Ksheerasagaram. There are groups working on projects like ornamental fish culture, egg poultry, meat poultry, pig rearing, and rabbit rearing. Two leading projects in this category, as they fall under the Samagra programme of Kudumbashree are treated under Samagra Enterprises. 

Read more about this in 'Samagra'